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Day 105

Posted by on July 20, 2019

Start:  Osterode am Harz

Finish:  Bockenem

Distance:  21

Total:  1596

Today’s walk was my first 20+ mile day in some time. It was also hotter today than it has been in a while; the high was in the mid-80s. But overall, it was a nice day of walking through the north central German countryside. 

I started walking at 7:45, a little earlier than normal, but there were thunderstorms in the forecast late this afternoon so I hustled down the road all day. I spent most of the day off the main road and walked through several small town along the way. 

By lunchtime I was in the town of Seesen. The city center was alive with activity, headlined by the local fire department doing demonstrations with their fire fighting equipment.  Paramedics were there teaching CPR as well. I stopped into a cafe for some lunch and a gelato. 

I made it to my destination around 3:00 as the clouds were building but it didn’t rain on me. I’m staying in another Gasthof tonight; it seems like there’s at least one of these small inns in every little town.  Sometimes I’m the only guest, especially on weeknights. 

Tomorrow is an easier day with a 14 mile walk to Hildesheim. It’s forecast to be a beautiful day with sun and 75 degrees. I hope everyone’s Saturday was enjoyable. Mine sure was. JB. 

P.S.  I forgot to mention yesterday that I posted a new video. Click on the video tab on my website or search “The Walking Aggie” on YouTube. 

A flash from the past; a Woolworth store in Seesen, Germany.

Check this out! A one foot wide shoulder on my walking route.

I’m in Holstein dairy country.

Would someone with cows please ask them if they like to eat this stuff; bailed up wheat stalks.
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