Start: Lensahn
Finish: Heiligenhafer
Distance: 15
Total: 1811
Today’s 13 mile walk through north German farmland ended up being 15 miles due to my not trusting the walking route Google Maps had in mind. Instead of the shorter walking route that traversed some wheat fields and woods, I picked the longer bike route that followed paved roads for the most part.
The day got started with breakfast at the hotel in Lubeck, then a 9:15 departure for a 45 minute train ride to Lensahn where I stopped walking yesterday. The train was packed until our stop in Sierksdorf where the amusement park is located. Then about half the passengers got off.
My entire route today was along bike trails. With it being Sunday, there were a lot of people out riding their bikes. I’ve noticed it is very popular for couples, especially middle aged and older couples, to be out on bike rides. And I don’t mean a one or two mile ride around their neighborhood. I see couples riding miles from the nearest town. Also, there is a type of bike that is popular in Germany that has some kind of electrical motor, powered by a battery, that reduces the effort when you’re peddling. It does nothing if you’re not peddling. I asked a gentleman who had one about it. He said the battery would last about 100 kilometers on flat terrain. If the battery runs down, you’re on your own with no more help until you get the battery recharged. I don’t see very many young people with battery assisted bikes.
Tonight’s town, Heiligenhafen, population 9100, is on the Baltic Coast and just opposite Fehmarn island. Tomorrow, I will walk across a bridge from the German mainland, then across Fehmarn Island to my last town in Germany, Puttgarden. It will be about a 17 mile day.
I hope everyone had a great weekend back in the USA. I’ve been watching coverage of the unfortunate situation in El Paso, and now that I’m back in my hotel room from eating dinner, I see there was a shooting incident in Ohio. Please keep those folks in your prayers. They need it. JB.