From: Athens
To: Elefsina
Miles: 15
Total: 15
What a great first day Dave and I had today. The weather was great, the walking was good, and it was just a fantastic way to start off our adventure across Europe.
The day started after a not so good night of sleep. I got to Athens Sunday and haven’t adjusted to the eight hour time change so I was up and down all night. Dave didn’t sleep any better even though he got here on Saturday. However, we met for an awesome breakfast and were out the door at 7:40 to start our first day on the road.
The weather forecast was for temperatures in the low 30s to start the day, but it was more like upper 30s when we left, and not a cloud in the sky. There was a chance of rain and snow later in the afternoon so we hit the road early to beat the weather.
The first couple of hours were right through the heart of Athens. The streets were pretty quiet that early and we had sidewalks to walk on for a few miles. When we got away from the city center there were a few miles of walking on some busy highways but we were able to avoid all the trucks. We made great time all morning and reached our destination, Elefsina, by about 1:00. Elefsina is a nice little suburban town and is home to the largest oil refineries in Greece. It also has a military airport. After an amazing late lunch at a local cafe, we checked into the Elefsina hotel and called it a successful first day.
Tomorrow we continue west down the Greek coastline and should be seeing an area that had major wildfires a few months ago. Not sure if the hotel we have picked out is even there after the fires. The weather is forecast to be sunny and dry with highs in the upper 30s. Sounds like a great day for a walk. Thanks for reading.
OBTW: We posted a video today. You can view it by clicking on the video tab on our website or search ”thewalkingaggie” on YouTube.