From: Katochi
To: Astokos
Miles: 17
Total: 185
It was another bright and sunny day although a bit on the cool side and windy to start off, with temperatures in the low 30’s. We went back around the corner to our bakery from last night to grab a quick bite for breakfast. Just like last night the pastries were fresh baked and tasted great.
Our first adventure of the morning was to find a taxi driver that could understand us to take us back to the town where we stopped last night. Luckily the taxi stand was right outside our hotel and we quickly found someone that could take us where we wanted to go after we pointed it out on the map on our phones.
After we got back to our starting point for the day, hopped out of the taxi and started walking out of the town we soon found ourselves in the countryside. It was quickly obvious that these were small farms. It reminded John and I a little bit of the small towns in Texas where we grew up. We are both farm boys so we could relate to what we were seeing. It seems like every farm had a small tractor or two as well as some livestock, maybe a few cows, a flock of sheep, or some chickens or ducks. We again saw some orange and tangerine orchards. We also saw what appeared to be olive trees again as well as one large vineyard.
After a winding road and a slow climb up a large hill we eventually turned the corner and saw our town for the night below. It was an extremely picturesque town and we couldn’t wait to reach it. We were a bit concerned the hotel was closed for the winter, but luckily we decided to check it out anyway and it was open. On the way to the hotel there were many restaurants along the water. There was one very animated and friendly man who asked us to come into his restaurant and look around. He told us of his great food and gave John and I a shot of Ouzo. If you have never had any Ouzo it is an extremely strong liquor that taste like licorice. I don’t really like it but I was a bit cold so it felt good going down. I don’t think John is a big fan of it. HaHa! There is an old Greek saying that “ouzo makes the spirit” and this is especially true in Greece!
Once we got to the hotel we were very happy we decided to check it out. It is very nice and again right on the water with beautiful views. It is much better than the last few days.
After we got settled we went back down to the restaurant where we had the Ouzo and had a couple of wonderful pasta dishes. It was a great way to end the evening after an enjoyable walk in the countryside. I hope your day was as blessed as ours!