Start: Hildesheim
Finish: Hanover
Distance: 19
Total: 1629
I take back everything I said previously about how large German cities are not spread out with urban sprawl. Today when I walked into Hanover, which has a population of 535,000, I thought I was never going to reach the center of the city.
I got on the road at 8:45 this morning with 19 miles to cover. Lucky for me it was bike paths and sidewalks all the way. And it’s a good thing because the road was 4-lane with a 100 KPH speed limit. There was a little town every couple of miles along my route until I got about half way to Hanover. From that point on I was walking in one big continuous business district. Even the trolley ran out to a point 9-10 miles from downtown Hanover. That makes sense because the metropolitan area has 1,100,000+ population.
Tomorrow is a day off here in Hanover. My route today did not take me through the old part of the city so tomorrow I’ll venture out and do a little site seeing and take some pictures. I’ve got some errands I need to run as well.
That’s it for today. Pretty uneventful I’d say. More to follow in Hanover tomorrow. JB.