Start: Dalby
Finish: Solrod
Distance: 17
Total: 1905
Today I made it into the southern outskirts of Copenhagen. It was a beautiful day to walk, I knocked out another 17 miles, and I made a new friend along the way.
I got on the road at 8:30 this morning after a good night’s rest and a good breakfast at the Dalby Hotel. As was the case at the end of the day yesterday, I had a reasonable shoulder on the road to keep me out of traffic. I originally was suppose to only walk 12 miles today, then 22 tomorrow to get to Copenhagen. Instead, I walked farther today and took the train into Copenhagen. That leaves me 17 miles to actually walk into the city, probably day after tomorrow.
As I was walking along on the sidewalk, with about two hours left to the train station, a gentleman passed me walking in the same direction as me. He had a day pack on his back and appeared to be out walking for exercise. Before he got too far ahead of me, I called out and asked him where he was walking to. He slowed down and we started what ended up being a two hour conversation as we walked. We talked about all kinds of things; education, exercise, travel, politics, guns, Denmark, America, you name it. His name was Michael Soloed, a 39 year veteran of the Solrod Police Department. He joined the police force at 21, and has been a police officer ever since. He and his wife travel. They are leaving soon to visit Vietnam. It was so enlightening to talk to someone about the things we had in common, even though we live a half a world apart.
Tomorrow’s weather forecast doesn’t look too good. Rain is likely most of the day. Originally I had planned for Sunday to be a day off. However, I may take the day off tomorrow if the weather is bad and walk Sunday. Either way, I’m staying here at the Moxy (Marriott Hotels) in the Sydhaven (South Harbor) section of Copenhagen for at least the next three nights.
That’s all for today. The weekend is here again so I hope you all stay cool and have a good two days. JB.