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Day 128

Posted by on August 12, 2019

Start:  Copenhagen 

Finish:  Vedbaek

Distance:  1938

Total:  16

I had a great day walking north out of Copenhagen and 16 miles along the Danish coastline to Vedbaek. 

I made a commitment that before I left Copenhagen, I would do whatever it took to go see their most famous and photographed street, Nyhavn Street. Since I didn’t go there on my day off on Saturday, it had to happen today or I’d miss it. So I modified my route through town today and walked along Nyhavn Street at about 9:00 this morning. That was good because the herds of tourists had not arrived yet so I didn’t get pushed off in the canal trying to take some pictures. I’m really glad I went by there; it was an amazing site. 

After seeing Nyhavn Street, I walked through the north part of Copenhagen and right out of the city. I spent the rest of the day walking along the Baltic Coast north of town. There are some really nice beach homes all along the road and a nice wide sidewalk for bikes and people. The wind was out of the south again today, but not as strong as yesterday. 

The town I’m in tonight, Vedbaek, is a nice little seaside town with a good size marina. This is my last night in Denmark. Tomorrow I walk 15 miles north to the port town of Helsingor, Denmark, and catch the ferry over to Helsingborg, Sweden where I’ll spend tomorrow night. I believe the ferry ride lasts less than 30 minutes, but it’s the only way to get there; there’s no bridge. 

That’s about all for today. I hope you all have a great week. JB. 

Nyhavn Street; Copenhagen, Denmark.

Walking along the sea wall north of Copenhagen.

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