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Day 132

Posted by on August 16, 2019

Start:  Skummeslovesstrand

Finish:  Halmstad

Distance:  18

Total:  2007

Today’s route took me from the beach town of Skummeslovesstrand to the port city of Halmstad. My route was actually a few miles inland from the coast so I was walking through farmland most of the day. 

I got started this morning at 8:45 after waiting out an early morning rain shower. It rained most of the night last night so the roads were wet and there were puddles of water along the bike route I followed most of the morning.

I was a little concerned about a 3-4 mile portion of today’s route. I always take a look at the route on my iPad the night before, and I zoom in on portions that look like they might be dirt trails, or a spot that looks like it crosses a river, to make sure it’s really the route I want to follow. One area of concern for today was a section that went through a forest and crossed a river where the trail was not visible on google maps because of the trees. Because it rained all night, I didn’t want to get into one of those situations where I’m waist deep in wet grass or have to cross a creek where the trail is under water. After walking about three miles, I was just about to the area of concern where the trail entered the forest, and I came upon a little grocery store. I went in and bought a coke to have with my lunch later, and I asked the girl who worked there about the trail through the forest. She said the trail was completely paved and there was a bridge over the river. She was right. I had been fretting over nothing. 

As I was walking through an area of farmland, I started seeing several flocks of geese flying south.  I don’t know if they were migrating south, or just flying from one field to another to feed. But they were fun to watch fly by. 

Tomorrow I was suppose to walk 25 miles; the longest distance of the entire trip. However, there’s a 90% chance of rain all day tomorrow and Sunday. Since I’m still two days ahead, I found a place to stay tomorrow night that will allow me to take two shorter days to cover the 25 miles. I’ll need to walk about four hours tomorrow, and five hours Sunday. After that, I’ll still be one day ahead. I’ll figure out the best way to use that day later. 

This week has flown by. I can’t believe the weekend is here already, but I hope you all have an enjoyable one. JB. 

Geese flying south, but I’m not sure where they’re going.

The farmlands of Sweden.

Scenes from the coastal town of Halmstad, Sweden.

More scenes from tonight’s stop in Halmstad, Sweden.

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