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Day 135

Posted by on August 19, 2019

Start:  Falkenberg 

Finish:  Varberg

Distance:  18

Total:  2052

Today I walked 18 miles in about as straight of a line as you can get. There were no towns, no stores or gas stations; nothing but a lot of farms and the shoulder of the road. 

The day got started with a good breakfast at the hotel and me trying to book a hotel room for tonight. I had put getting a reservation off until I could see what the weather was going to do. It was sunny this morning so I got on the phone to get a place to stay tonight. I got out the door at 8:00 with six hours of walking to do. 

Like I said, there was not a place to stop and rest or get lunch today so I procured a sandwich from the breakfast buffet this morning and ate it on the move. I made it to my hotel in downtown Varberg by 2:00 and luckily my room was ready.  Varberg is a coastal city of about 20,000 and I would describe it as a lot like Fredericksburg, Texas. There are shops and restaurants along a Main Street and many people are out walking around downtown, even though it’s a weekday.   

I have about 50 more miles to get to Gothenburg, the most significant and interesting town I’ll visit in Sweden. I’ll divide the 50 miles into three days of walking and probably take a day off when I get there. 

That’s all for today. I have 16 days and 262 miles left on this journey.  It doesn’t seem possible I’m almost finished. JB. 

One of the nice buildings in Varberg.

There are a lot of nice homes like this one in Varberg, Sweden.

The Hotel Gastis; my hotel in Varberg on Day 135.

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