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Day 138

Posted by on August 22, 2019

Start:  Kungsbacka

Finish:  Kungsbacka 

Distance:  0

Total:  2084

Today I decided to take a day off.  

Because of some difficulties with hotel arrangements that are too complicated to explain here, I took a day off today while I was staying in a Gothenburg hotel and will continue my walk on Friday. So today I slept in, had an awesome breakfast at the hotel, and then ventured out to see some sites in Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city behind the countries capital, Stockholm. The weather was overcast and breezy, but the rain held off until I’d finished with my site seeing.

Gothenburg is the largest port in Scandinavian. Canals run through the middle of town, but the main shipping port is outside the city. Like all the large cities I’ve visited in Europe, there is a heavy dose of public transportation. However, Gothenburg does not have a subway system due to the costs involved in building an underground system this close to the ocean. But they make up for it with thousands of trains, trolleys, busses, and taxis. And it appears the cool temperatures don’t keep people from dining outside because the sidewalk cafes were numerous and packed, even on a Thursday.  I walked around the city center, checked out some busy shopping areas, and took a few pictures as I went. 

I spent the remainder of my day planning ahead. After today’s day off, I’m one day ahead of schedule with 13 days left. I have several 20+ mile days left to walk so I’m working on what to do with my extra day; take one more day off somewhere down the line, or take a 20+ mile day and break it up into two days. I’ll come up with something soon. 

That’s it for today. It’s back on the train to Kungsbacka tomorrow so I can actually walk here to Gothenburg.  The weather is forecast to be rainy until lunchtime, so I may be getting a late start. JB. 

One of the canals that run through Gothenburg.

Gothenburg does not lack for public transportation; a trolly near the train station.

A typical Gothenburg city street.

One of many shopping streets in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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