Start: Kungsbacka
Finish: Gothenburg
Distance: 18
Total: 2102
Today got off to a slow start, but I knocked out another 18 miles and made it to Gothenburg, the last large city before I finish in Oslo.
When I got up this morning, it was raining right down. The weather forecast said it would stop around 10:00 and be cloudy the rest of the day. With that info, I ate some breakfast, checked out of the hotel at 9:00, walked to the train station, and caught the 9:15 train south to Kungsbacka where I stopped walking on Wednesday. The train got there at 9:45, and unfortunately, it was still raining. I decided to sit around at the station until 10:00 and if it didn’t stop raining by then, I’d cover up my pack, put on my parka, and start walking. 10:00 came with no signs of a letup, so I covered up and off I went.
The route to Gothenburg followed a bike trail for the most part, with a couple of miles actually on the shoulders of the road. At about 12:00, it finally stopped raining so I stopped at a bus stop and took the parka off. The rest of the day stayed cloudy and cool, but no more rain.
I made it to my hotel at 4:00. It’s about a mile northeast of the city center, so I’ve knocked a mile off of tomorrow’s walking distance. Finally I have a favorable weather forecast after 10 days of intermittent rain everyday. It’s suppose to be partly cloudy and in the upper 60s for the next five days.
I can’t believe it’s already the weekend again. The days just fly by. So with that, I hope everyone had a great week and enjoy the weekend ahead. JB.