Start: Kungalv
Finish: Stenungsund
Distance: 18
Total: 2132
My walk today continued to take me north along the Swedish Coast. It was a beautiful day with the temperature in the mid-70s and not a cloud in the sky.
I got started this morning at 8:00 after a very good breakfast at the hotel. There was hardly any traffic on the roads and only a few bicyclist and walkers out on the bike trail. All along my route today were small lakes and inlets from the North Sea.
I made it to my destination at about 2:00. Stenungsund is a small town of 9,000. It sits a few miles from the North Sea on an inlet. There are several marinas in town and also some very large homes built along the shoreline. One in particular is built on a bluff and has a very large yacht anchored at the dock below the home. Impressive!
Tomorrow is a long day; 23 miles with some climbing as I get a little farther inland. It’s suppose to be another nice day for walking.
That’s all for now. I hope your Sunday was a good one. JB.