Start: Stenungsund
Finish: Uddevalla
Distance: 23
Total: 2155
Today I had a long, hot, but productive 23 mile walk through the countryside to the beautiful seaport of Uddevalla, population 31,000+.
I started the day early due to the distance I needed to walk. So I ate an early breakfast and was on the road at 7:15. The skies were clear and the air cool, but that didn’t last long. By noon, it was 80 and no breeze. My route today took me through some beautiful backroads. Today also took me a short distance away from the coastline and in doing so,I was going up and down hills all day. None were higher than 250 feet, but I would no sooner get up a hill than I’d go right back down. This lasted all day. Once I got within a couple of miles of my hotel, there was one more hill in front of me. Google Maps gave me two choices; use the walking trail and go over the top of the hill and down the other side into town, or walk an extra 15 minutes and follow the road around the hill. After 21 miles I was tired of climbing, so I took the long way around.
Tonight I’m in Uddevalla. It is a small port city that sits on one of the hundreds of inlets from the North Sea. There’s a vibrant city center with lots of sidewalk cafes, etc. I’ll be here for two nights because tomorrow’s destination doesn’t have a hotel. I’ll be walking 21 miles, then take the train back here to spend the night.
That about wraps up Day 142. I’ve got nine more days, but who’s counting? JB.