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Day 144

Posted by on August 28, 2019

Start:  Dingle

Finish:  Tanumshede

Distance:  18

Total:  2194

Today got started with an early breakfast and a train ride from Uddevalla where I spent the night to Dingle where I stopped walking yesterday. The train left at 8:00 and got me to Dingle at 8:30. The weather forecast said rain all morning and thunderstorms this afternoon. When I got off the train it was raining lightly so I covered up with my poncho. The rain only lasted about an hour. When I got to within a couple of hours of my hotel, it started to look like thunderstorms could be forming, so I hustled up and knocked 20 minutes off the last two hours of walking and made it before the rain started. 

Tomorrow will be my last full day in Sweden. I walk 19 miles to the seaside town of Strömstad. Unfortunately, I was unable to get a hotel room there, so I’ve got to take the bus or train back here to Tanumshede and spend another night after tomorrow’s walk. Friday morning, it’s back to Strömstad and an 18 mile walk across the Swedish/Norwegian border to Halden, Norway. Today I saw my first highway sign for Oslo, but it was too far away to get a good picture. But I’m definitely going in the right direction to find it one week from today. JB. 

One of the many lakes in this part of Sweden.

My hotel in Tanumshede on Day 144.

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