Start: Halden
Finish: Sarpsborg
Distance: 17
Total: 2249
After a so-so stay at last night’s hotel, which I won’t get into, today was a good walk to the very spread out city of Sarpsborg, Norway.
With only an average distance to walk today, I didn’t start until about 9:00. The skies stayed cloudy most of the day. After leaving the hotel, I immediately found myself walking through farmland. Wheat appeared to be the crop of choice, but most of it had already been harvested.
At lunchtime, I found a convenience store that had some fast food items. It was decent, but very expensive. After lunch, I almost immediately found myself walking through the suburbs of Sarpsborg, population 55,000. However, the town seemed to be built along only one very long Main Street. This went on for several miles until I got close to the actual city center where there were more streets.
My hotel is on the far north side of town. When I walked up into the parking lot, it was obvious there was a car enthusiast gathering here at the hotel. Taking a closer look, I noticed all the cars were Corvettes. After checking in, I went out onto the terrace where there were maybe a hundred men and women all wearing the same red shirts. After talking to a group of them, I learned this is the summer gathering of the Scandinavian Corvette Club. There are Corvettes and their owners here from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. They seem to be drinking their share of the beer, and having a great time showing off their cars.
Tomorrow I get one more day closer to Oslo with a walk of 20 miles. JB.