Start: Moss
Finish: Vestby
Distance: 18
Total: 2288
My walk today was very enjoyable with great weather and easy terrain, but my experience with tonight’s hotel threw a damper on my enthusiasm.
The day got started in Moss with the thermometer reading a crisp 48 degrees. There was no wind and the skies were crystal clear. The first couple of miles were on a walking trail through the woods. I’m always apprehensive about wandering down these trails because I never know what’s lurking around the next corner. Will the trail be under water? Will there be a locked gate that will keep me from continuing? This time there were no surprises and I finally made it out of the woods and out onto a main road.
My route was off and on bike trails all day which seemed to end with no warning and no obvious reason. When the trail ends, I have to hop onto the road and ask for a share of the pavement from the approaching traffic. It’s usually not an issue.
Once I got to the town of Vestby, my lodging was a couple of miles past the town and across the interstate. It was advertised as a hotel and campground. I found it without a problem and walked into the office to check in. The lady said “you know the hotel is not actually at this location, right?” I said no, I actually did not know that. She said it’s about a 7-8 minute walk back towards town where I’d just come from. I recalled seeing a hotel as I walked between the town and the hotel office, but it looked closed as there were no cars in the parking lot, etc., and it seemed like it was farther away than she said. While she took care of registering me, I went to Google Maps and found the hotel was actually a 20 minute walk, ie, one mile. So after getting my key, I got back on the road and backtracked to the hotel. It’s not a huge deal, just an irritant. I walked two extra miles (40 minutes) today, and I’ll walk an extra mile tomorrow as I go past the hotel office again.
So I have 26 miles left to the finish line. My plan is to walk about 16-18 tomorrow to one of the suburbs of Oslo, take the train into town where I have a hotel reservation tomorrow night, then ride the train back out to the suburb and finish the last 8-10 miles into Oslo Wednesday morning. The weather is forecast to be rainy both of the next two days so I may be finishing, and singing, in the rain the rest of the way. Thanks for reading. JB.