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Day 15

Posted by on January 14, 2024

Start:  Nowa Nowa General Store

Finish:  Orbost

Distance:  23

Total:  239

Today was a straightforward trek with a light pack. It was complicated somewhat because I’ve developed a pain in the ball of my right foot. I think it’s only a blister, though I can’t really see a blister. Either that or it’s bruised from overuse. Not to worry; it will get better. 

This morning i needed to backtrack to Nowa Nowa where I finished walking yesterday. I had a bus reservation for 11:00 which meant with a 25 minute ride I would start walking at about 11:30. Faced with a 23 mile walk that would take about 7.5 hours, that meant I would be getting back here to Orbost after the eating establishments, limited as they are, had closed. So this morning I got ready, walked into town, ate breakfast, and headed out on the highway about 8:30 to see if I might get lucky and someone would give me a ride to Nowa Nowa so I could start early. It took about 10 minutes of standing with my thumb in the air and a nice lady gave me a ride. 

The 23 miles were pretty much a grind mostly because my right foot was barking. But I made it into Orbost about 4:30; early enough to go to my motel before walking into town for dinner. 

One side note; Snowy River runs through Orbost, ie. The 1982 movie “The Man From Snowy River” that some of you may be young enough to remember. There is a Snowy River National Park near here also. 

Tomorrow is another 20+ mile day; this one with a full pack. Wish me well. JB. 

The Snowy River runs through my Day 15 stop in Orbost, Victoria.
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