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Day 19

Posted by on January 18, 2024

Start:  Eden

Finish:  Eden

Distance:  0

Total:  288

After visiting the doctor yesterday with my gimpy right foot, I followed his instructions and rearranged my schedule to take the day off today. I’m one day into my six days of antibiotics and I think my problem is a little better. 

Since it’s a day off, I mostly just hung out at my motel room. However, I did venture out for a while to check out the town of Eden. This is my second stop in an actual coastal town and they will become more frequent now that I’ve made it into the state of New South Wales and reached the Australian east coast. The coastline here reminds me very much of the California west coast. Rocky outcroppings and very winding, hilly roads follow the coastline. One of the more popular tourist activities here in Eden is whale watching. Whales migrating to and from Antarctica swim along the coastline here and because of the elevation of the town above the water, there are observation decks in town where you can stand and watch for whales. Unfortunately it’s the wrong time of year for the whale migration so I didn’t spot any. 

Tomorrow I will catch the bus out to a point along Prince’s Highway where I’ll pick my walking route back up. It will take me two days to actually walk to the town where I’m staying now. So I get two days of slack-packing to enjoy the reduced load in my pack. The weather is forecast to be nice; highs in the 70s. 

That’s all for today in Eden, New South Wales. JB. 

The coastline from the whale watching deck in Eden, New South Wales.

A tutorial for watching whales.

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