From: Eleusis
To: Kineta
Miles: 20 miles
Total: 35 miles
Today’s forecast was for snow and blustery winds but we were blessed. We woke up to partly cloudy skies and a light breeze although it was brisk and in the low 30s. Our walk today took us mainly along the coast. As John mentioned to me it is somewhat similar to route 1 in California where it runs along the coast. Most of the route was a long uphill climb until we finished along the beach. The last couple of miles we went through the area that saw devastating fires this summer. While most of the homes appeared to have been rebuilt, you can see the evidence of the fires from all the burnt trees. The coastline is very beautiful and you can see the mountains off in the distance. Many of the hotels along the coastline are closed for the winter, but we were able to find a place right on the coast with spectacular views.
We are looking forward to a less hilly walk tomorrow. Thanks for following along.
Coast Road on the way to Kineta