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Day 23

Posted by on January 22, 2024

Start:  Pambula

Finish:  Bega

Distance:  21

Total:  360

The day went well as I continue to work my way north close to the coast line. 

The day got started with a visit to the local bakery for breakfast. Unfortunately they didn’t make sandwiches so my lunch consisted of a power bar and water. Shortly after leaving the town of Pambula I started a series of climbs that seemed to never end. I was asked twice by passing motorists if I wanted a ride, but I declined. 

As I was coming around a fairly sharp curve in the road I saw two kangaroos hopping across the road in front of me. There were no cars coming in my direction but I could hear traffic approaching from behind me around the curve. I started waving my arms for them to slow down because they couldn’t see the kangaroos yet. They did slow down just in time and both kangaroos made it across the road and into the woods safely. Those two roos are the only live ones I’ve seen so far. 

I made it into my destination of Bega by about 3:00. Bega is a town of about 5000 and is where Bega Cheese is made. That explains all the dairies I’ve seen over the last few days.  

Tomorrow I’ve got a long 26 mile day with no towns along the way to take a break. Also it’s suppose to rain until about noon. Lucky for me it has cooled back into the 70s again. JB. 

The hilly countryside along Australia’s east coast.
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