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Day 29

Posted by on January 28, 2024

Start:  Brawley Point Road

Finish:  Milton

Distance:  16

Total:  489

Today was a bit of a grind. It was much hotter than it has been and the traffic was very heavy with everyone heading back toward Sydney after the holiday. 

Since the mileage was relatively short at 16 miles, I delayed my start a bit. After breakfast I got out on the side of the road and quickly caught a ride back out to where I stopped walking yesterday. By the time I got to the starting point it was 10:30. Most of the traffic was going north in my direction so it wasn’t too bad on my side of the road. 

It was 12 miles back into Ulladulla where I spent the night last night and I got there at 2:30; just in time to get to the lunch establishments that close at 3:00 on Sundays. After a quick lunch I had four more miles to get to the little town of Milton where I’m staying tonight plus tomorrow night after a day off.

I’m staying at the Mrs. Top B&B, an awesome place that I’ll spend more time describing in tomorrow’s blog. 

That’s all for today. JB. 

I’m spending two nights at Mrs. Top B&B in Milton.
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9 months ago

Glad you get a day off tomorrow Dad!