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Day 34

Posted by on February 9, 2019

From:  Bojano

To:  Isernia

Miles:  16

Total:  539

Today we walked a relatively relaxing 16 miles along SS17 from the quaint little town of Bojano to a larger city of Isernia. Isernia is a very old town, believed to have been settled at least 700,000 years ago and is the most ancient site where traces of the use of fire by humans has been found. 

Last night Dave and I went out to look for something to eat. We happened upon the Free Time Pizzetteria, owned and run by sisters Franca and Mirella. They had a variety of good things to eat there. After talking to them for a bit, we learned they had relatives in America and have been there to visit them. They’ve been to Cleveland, Pittsburg, New York, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, and a lot of other places I don’t remember. After our vibrant conversation with the two sisters went on for some time, including them enthusiastically showing me several hundred photos on their iPhones of their relatives in Cleveland, we decided to make a video of them saying hello to all their kin in the U.S.A. and post it on YouTube.  You can see thie video by clicking the video tab on our website. 

So after the evening’s entertainment at the pizza parlor, we got a good night’s sleep and were treated this morning to a tasty “American Breakfast” prepared by Rosanna Muccilli at her B&B. There was so much food I can’t start to describe it all, but Dave’s bacon and eggs and my waffle were the highlights. After breakfast, we finally got away from Bojano around 9:15. The morning was very crisp and foggy. Visibility I would say was less than a quarter mile. With us walking on a main highway, we were on constant lookout to make sure cars saw us on the shoulder of the road. By about 10:30 the fog had burned off and the sun was shining. Around noon we were halfway finished for the day and stopped into a little roadside cafe and bar for some lunch. The food was good and we were the topic of conversation among the locals who wanted all the details about our trek. 

After lunch we reached the top of our normal daily climb, and it was downhill the rest of the way to Isernia. We originally planned to stay in another B&B tonight, but after studying its location some distance from town, and being concerned about finding a place for dinner nearby, we opted to go to a hotel closer to the city.  

Tomorrow it’s on down the road another 15 miles to Venafro. There is a chance of rain tomorrow afternoon and Monday morning so we are adjusting our departure times to avoid getting wet. Also we’re planning a day off soon. That’s it for now from sunny, and sometimes foggy, central Italy. Hope everyone’s Saturday was a good one. 

Sisters Fanca and Mirella kept us entertained at their Free Time Pizzetteria in Bojano.
The visibility was a problem leaving Bojano.
On the downhill stretch into Isernia.

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