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Day 40

Posted by on February 8, 2024

Start:  Sydney Harbour

Finish:  North Narrabeen Beach

Distance:  16

Total:  644

After a great day off yesterday when I got my batteries recharged, I was ready to start my exit out of Sydney and get the second half of this trek started. The weather was perfect, as was my attitude. 

My day started with some breakfast in my room which I bought yesterday on my errand run. I caught the 8:00 train across the street from my hotel which took me to Sydney Harbour. From there I walked to the base of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, took the staircase up, and picked up the pedestrian walkway across the bridge. The view was spectacular. Ferry boats going every which way, a cruise ship in the port, and on the bridge hundreds of people walking into the city to work. There was bumper-to-bumper traffic as well as the commuter train also taking people into town. I seemed to be the only one going north away from the city center. I stopped to take a few pictures and make a video, which is posted and can be seen on this website or YouTube. 

After getting off the Harbour Bridge I walked through several suburban neighborhoods. The area north of Sydney Harbour is very hilly with small bays and inlets where the neighborhoods have spectacular homes built on hillsides. I saw several yacht clubs in the bays and inlets around these neighborhoods as well. 

At about 11:30 I had reached an area of town called Brookvale. As I had been doing all morning, I was walking on the sidewalk along a very busy street when I heard a vehicle honk its horn from behind me. I turned around and a lady in a black BMW SUV sitting in line at a red light at a cross street yelled Gig’em Aggies to me. I returned the greeting and started quickly walking back to her car as her traffic light was still red. I asked if she was an Aggie and she said she was and she was originally from Austin but lives here now. I knew the light was about to turn green for her to go and there were cars behind her, so I quickly got one of my business cards out and handed it through her window. We didn’t even have time to introduce ourselves. So off she went. I hope she reads this post and comments on the website. 

The rest of the day went smoothly. I got to my destination, a Caravan Park 16 miles north of Sydney at about 2:00. The caravan (RV) parks have little cabins for rent. It’s the first time I’ve tried one but it’s actually pretty nice. I’ll be here two nights as I walk farther north tomorrow then take a bus back here for another night. 

That’s it for Day 40. Sydney was beautiful but it’s in my rear view mirror now. More adventures lie ahead I’m sure.  You keep reading and I’ll keep walking and writing.  JB. 

Looking back at Sydney from the Harbour Bridge.
Sydney Opera House as seen from the Harbour Bridge.
My lovely little cabin for the next two nights.

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11 months ago

I hope you hear from the Aggie! Beautiful pictures and your cabin looks fun! The girls would love it 🙂