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Day 41

Posted by on February 9, 2024

Start:  North Narrabeen Beach

Finish:  Palm Beach

Distance:  10

Total:  654

I had a relatively easy day with only 10 miles to walk with a light pack and a bus ride back to the Caravan Park where I’ll be again tonight. The walking distance was short but the road was narrow and winding through the hilly terrain along the coastline so I once again found myself switching back and forth across the road to avoid oncoming traffic on blind corners. 

I was in no rush to get started today but still left my room around 7:45 and stopped at a coffee shop just down the way for a light breakfast. That put me on the road walking right at the time all the kids were heading to school.  Since school started back up after summer break a couple of weeks ago, I’ve had numerous opportunities to see lots of kids on the way to and from school. One thing I’ve noticed; all the kids are wearing uniforms. I was curious if this was just my imagination or if it was a requirement. Here’s what I found: “Students in Australia are generally required to wear a school uniform. The vast majority of public and private schools in Australia have a uniform policy in place, although there may be some variations in terms of the specific uniform requirements and dress codes.”  I say more power to them. The kids look very nice and I haven’t seen a single boy who needed to pull his pants up. (*Old guy comment). 

I wound my way along the coastline through one little village after another all morning, occasionally getting off the road onto a trail above the beach. The views were spectacular!  The beaches weren’t very crowded since its a weekday and school is in session but I’m sure the crowds will be out this weekend. 

I ended today at a wharf in Palm Beach. Palm Beach is at the very northern tip of a peninsula sticking out in a bay north of Sydney.  Tomorrow I’ll catch the bus back to the wharf and take a ferry to the city of Ettalong Beach where I’ll pick up my route on up the coast.  My next big city is Newcastle. I’ll get there on Monday. Pink gets there Tuesday. I’ll be out of town by then. JB. 

Traversing some catwalks above the shoreline.
See the eight surfers out there?

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11 months ago

Beautiful views!