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Day 42

Posted by on February 10, 2024

Start:  Palm Beach

Finish:  The Entrance

Distance:  18

Total:  672

Today’s journey took a little longer than most 18 mile days because I had to take two ferry’s and the bus so it wasn’t just a normal get out there and walk kind of day. 

The day began at 7:45 when I caught the bus from my cabin in North Narrabeen Beach to the wharf at Palm Beach where I stopped walking yesterday. The ferry was scheduled to leave Palm Beach at 9:00, which it did, and took me to the town of Ettalong Beach where I started walking. The ferry ride lasted about 45 minutes and to say it was a thrill ride would be an understatement. The ferry is only for passengers, not a big ferry that carries vehicles. And it goes relatively fast; probably 10-15 knots. It was very windy this morning and the bay we were going across is exposed to the Pacific for a period of time, so combine all those elements and you get a wild ride across the bay. There were probably 8’ swells and the breakers were splashing over the windows of the ferry. At one point the Captain turned into the wind to minimize the tossing and turning, but for a little while I think some people were a bit concerned. Eventually we were protected by the shoreline and everything and everyone calmed down. 

My route took me through several small villages along the coastal bays, and I eventually got to another place where I needed to take another short 15 minute ferry ride across an inlet. The ferry only runs once per hour and when I walked up it had just left. So I had an hour to wait plus my day just got an hour longer. However, all was not lost. Sitting in the shade at a picnic table beside the wharf were two gentlemen about my age so I asked if I could join them. That’s when I met Harley and Santos. We sat and talked for the entire hour about everything. Well, everything except one thing. This is probably the 10th or 15th time I’ve had a chance to sit and talk to a group of adults like this since I left Melbourne. And this is the first time DONALD TRUMP has not come up.  I honestly couldn’t believe it. An entire hour talking about all things American and not one mention of politics. It was quite a pleasant hour I must say. 

I finally made it to my destination, The Entrance, at about 4:30. The town gets its name because it is located at the entryway between the Pacific Ocean to its east and Tuggerah Lake to its west.  

Tomorrow I continue straight north through more coastal towns and villages for 23 miles to Swansea. That’s all for Day 42. Hope you all have a great weekend. My Saturday was good. JB.  

Meet Harley and Santos who are not interested in U.S. politics.
The ferry boat thrill ride.

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5 months ago

Hahaha! Glad you got a break from the politics talk!