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Day 49

Posted by on February 17, 2024

Start:  Bulahdelah 

Finish:  Coolongolook

Distance:  18

Total:  789

I had a good, uneventful 18 mile stroll up the freeway today followed by motel manager Harry picking me up and bringing me back to Bulahdelah for another night. 

The day got started once again with breakfast purchased from the gas station across the road. Give me a little credit; I bought a banana last night at the local grocery store so all was not lost.  I walked out the door at 8:00 and after about a mile I was on the freeway. The shoulder was wide and shaded by the trees. With it being Saturday here, there were not as many trucks on the road either. 

Unfortunately there were no towns or gas stations for the duration of my 18 miles today so I walked straight through in less than six hours without a break. I reached my destination, the little town of Coolongolook, in about 5.5 hours and went into a small kibob restaurant and had some lunch. Then as planned, I gave my motel manager, Harry, a call and he arrived about 20 minutes later to take me back to Bulahdelah. 

There’s a small change to tomorrows plan. Since the bus doesn’t run to Coolongolook where I stopped today, Harry volunteered to drive me back up there tomorrow at 9:00 and drop me off. I only need to walk 10 miles tomorrow and there’s no place to stay at tomorrow’s destination so he’ll pick me back up at 1:00 in the afternoon and give me a ride back here to his motel for one more night. 

That wraps up today. I hope everyone has a great 3-day weekend. JB. 

Strolling down the freeway in eastern Australia.

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11 months ago

Harry sounds really nice!