From: Krathi
To: Selianitika
Miles: 22
Total: 115
Today was a cold and rainy day. From the moment we left the hotel this morning until we stopped at our new hotel for the night it was raining, Fortunately it wasn’t a gully washer rain storm like we see in Texas and Florida and thankfully there was no thunder and lightning. Today took us a bit more off the beaten path through lemon, lime, tangerine and orange orchards. We also walked through several small towns/villiages. For the second time on our walk there was a vehicle driving around with a loudspeaker tied to the roof the car. We had no idea what the guy was saying although he was also playing music. We assume it is the same as the crazy people back home in the States that drive around with loudspeakers letting everyone know the government is out to get them or the world is going to end tomorrow. It’s nice to know there are crazy people all over the world like that, not just back home. Finally, with all the rain we had today there weren’t many opportunities to take pictures. I did take one picture that I liked. It was from the hotel room after changing out of my wet clothes and having a nice hot shower. We are lucky to have another wonderful view looking out over the beach. Enjoy your day and I hope it is filled with sunshine!
View from Plaz Hotel in Selianitika