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Day 65

Posted by on March 4, 2024

Start:  Grafton

Finish:  Tyndale

Distance:  19

Total:  1036

Today’s walk did not go as planned because of weather problems but I have time to recover over the next couple of days. 

Today was planned to be one of the longest days of the trip at 27 miles. With that in mind, I got out the door at 6:30 and made a quick breakfast stop at McDonalds which was right on my route out of town. The road I walked today was a busy two lane highway and it was especially busy early this morning with people driving to town for work and kids being brought to school. 

By the 10 mile mark I reached a small town with a gas station that had a snack bar so I stopped briefly for a quick break and a milk shake. Not long after that the clouds began to thicken and around 11:00 I had my first rain shower for the day. I wore my poncho for about an hour until the rain stopped and the road dried out enough that I wasn’t getting wet from road spray. 

At around 1:30 I was within a mile of the little village of Tyndale. By that point the skies were looking very threatening and thunderstorms were eminent. Lucky for me there is a bus stop in Tyndale with a small shelter to stand under. I stopped there to assess the situation. As it turned out that was a good decision. Soon after I got there a thunderstorm hit. Also, it was my luck that the bus that runs from last nights town of Grafton to tonight’s destination of Maclean was arriving at the Tyndale bus stop in another hour. So I decided to stay put and see what happened with the weather for the next hour and if there wasn’t significant improvement I’d take the bus when it came by. As it turned out, the weather didn’t look like it was going to improve soon so I took the bus up the road to Maclean.  

Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning I’ll be taking the bus back to Tyndale and walk the eight miles I missed walking today to Maclean. Then on Wednesday I’ll be taking the bus part of the way to my next destination of Woodburn.  I have to take the bus part of the way there because part of the route is on the motorway (M-1) and pedestrians are prohibited on the motorway. 

That’s all I have to report for today. It seems like it rains here everyday. I’ll just have to deal with it for the next 10 days. JB. 

I’m staying at the Maclean Bowling Club for the next two nights.
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11 months ago

The bowling club looks interesting!

Killer Ray
Killer Ray
11 months ago

Wow! What exciting journey with many things to see and enjoy along the trip.