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Day 69

Posted by on March 8, 2024

Start:  West Ballina

Finish:  Bangalow

Distance:  17

Total:  1094

After an amazing night of rest last night in a real motel room, today turned out to be a good day on the road.  

With only 17 miles to walk today, and a firm NET checkin time of 2:00 PM at my next lodging location, I wasn’t in a big rush to leave this morning. I bought some things for breakfast last night at a local grocery store to eat in my room so I didn’t get on the road until 8:45. 

My route early-on went somewhat out of the way to get me out of town and onto my main route, but once I hit the main road I found myself on a busy, two lane highway with very many steep hills. I was near the freeway all day and I could see how their roadway was much more level than mine which went to the top and bottom of every slope. In addition, I got three unexpected, and unforecasted rain showers today. Luckily I was close to an overpass when one hit so I ducked under there for a few minutes until the rain passed. The other two I was not as lucky and decided to shelter under the canopy of some thick trees for both of them. I didn’t get too wet but did put my pack rain cover on. 

I made it to my destination of Bangalow at about 3:00. I’m staying in a super cool guesthouse. It would be called a B&B but they don’t serve breakfast. It has one main building with four guest rooms, one of which I’m occupying, and three stand-alone cottages, all on three acres.  The main house was built in 1903 and the original owners, a prominent local business man and his wife, lived here with their 13 children. If you like shiplap walls and ceilings, this is the place for you.  As an added bonus, it comes with a tree in the back full of large fruit bats. 

Tomorrow I walk 17 miles north to the beach town of Brunswick Heads. That’s it for my Friday. I hope your week went well. JB. 

My home for the night; The Bangalow Guesthouse.
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Maggie Buckley
Maggie Buckley
10 months ago

Lovely to meet you in Bangalow John and expect you’ll be up In Brunswick Heads now. Bon Route to Brisbane! Maggie and Buck