Start: Rovereto
Finish: Lavis
Distance: 19
Total: 1051
Today was an easy walk, if 19 miles can be easy in 94 degree heat. That’s unusually hot for this part of Italy. The average high is 80 for this date so I guess I’m just lucky.
I saw on the forecast it was going to be hot so I left the hotel this morning at 7:45 to beat some of the heat. That worked because it was in the mid 60s when I left. I only walked about a half mile on Hwy 12 when google maps directed me to get onto a bike trail. Little did I know I wouldn’t be back on the highway again until I’d walked 15 miles. The trail was very nicely paved and marked and shady in some spots. And I’ve never seen so many bicyclists in my life. Over the course of five hours I must have seen at least a thousand people riding their bikes on this trail. There was everyone from large packs of 20-25 racing bikes to families with kids out for a morning ride, to what looked like a group of senior citizens in a club all riding together. The trick for me was staying out of their way. It sure beat dodging cars and trucks.
By lunchtime I’d gotten to the edge of my original destination, Trento, where I found the Bici Cafe. It tailors to bike riders as it literally sits next to the trail and was the only business establishment I saw for 15 miles. The food was great and the break was better.
By 12:30 I had made it into my destination of Trento and decided it was too early to call it a day. So I looked on my phone and found a hotel another five miles down the road in Lavis, a suburban town north of Trento and right on tomorrow’s route. Even though it was really heating up by then, I decided to press on and knocked out five miles of tomorrow’s walk today. That means I’ll probably change tomorrow’s plan and stay in a different town farther down the road.
So all in all, it was a very good day of walking, in somewhat of a heat wave, and I’m 19 miles closer to Oslo. Thanks for reading and stay cool wherever you are.