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Day 7

Posted by on January 6, 2024

Start:  Traralgon

Finish:  Rosedale

Distance:  14

Total:  119

No more back roads for this guy. Today was all straight down the four-lane highway. The road was busy with Saturday morning travelers going toward the Melbourne area. 

I got started about 8:30 after a great night’s rest. Though you wouldn’t think something called “The Black Bull Motel” had much to offer, this place was really nice.  You can always tell when a small motel has a good owner. They pay attention to details that not even a big name-brand hotel does. Breakfast was included for the first time in a week so that was nice too. 

Like I said, I was out in the traffic today, walking against the flow. Fortunately the shoulder was as wide as a normal lane of traffic so I had plenty of room. I got to my destination of Rosedale about 12:45 and checked into the Coach Lamp Motel.  It was the first business you come to as you get to Rosedale. Unfortunately they don’t have wifi; and they also don’t have a restaurant. So after dropping off my pack, I grabbed my iPad and walked another 20 minutes into Rosedale to find something to eat for lunch and hopefully find wifi to post this journal. I wandered into the Rosedale General Store where they have food. I looked at my phone and there was also free wifi. So BAM!  One satisfied customer. 

The Rosedale General Store is where I met Pauline and Sharron. Pauline was taking orders behind the counter and Sharron was cooking it up in the kitchen.  I ordered the fish and chips that was big enough to feed two or three grown adults.  These two ladies were super nice to me and act like they enjoy life in Rosedale. 

Tomorrow it’s 17 miles down the road to Sale. I hope everyone has a great weekend. JB 

Meet Pauline and Sharron from the Rosedale General Store.
The Coach Lamp Motel in Rosedale.

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Sharron Bottomley
Sharron Bottomley
1 year ago

Good luck on your adventures John and thank you for being a great customer. It’s not hard to be friendly to our customers which is what we thrive to do. All staff at Rosedale General store wish you a safe and happy journey and we look forward to your updates..
Sharron (Nanna Shazz)