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Day 70

Posted by on March 9, 2024

Start:  Bangalow

Finish:  Brunswick Heads

Distance:  17

Total:  1111

Today got off to a slow start. After an awesome dinner meal at the Corner Cartel Mexican restaurant and a good night’s rest at the Bangalow Guesthouse last night, I woke this morning, walked a quarter mile into town for breakfast, returned back to the lodge, got packed up to hit the road, and it started pouring down rain. It came one rain shower after another for a good two hours. Checkout time was 10:00, so I moved out of my room onto the back porch to relax and wait out the rain.  But I wasn’t lonesome. I had Tony and Maggie to keep me company. 

Tony “Buck” and Maggie Buckley are two super-nice people from Manchester, England, who were staying in the room right next to mine in the main Guesthouse. I briefly met them yesterday afternoon when I arrived but with the rain delay this morning we had time to sit and talk on the porch watching it rain. Tony and Maggie are in Australia on vacation, just traveling around and seeing the sites. We talked about all sorts of things, just relaxing and listening to the rain fall on the tin roof of that amazing lodge. 

The rain finally stopped about 10:30 and I started walking. I immediately started a fairly steep climb that lasted about three miles. Bangalow had been located in a valley surrounded by hills. After my climb I had gained 1000’ in elevation and reached a scenic overlook where you could see for miles, including several beach towns lined up along the coast. Once I crested the hill, it was a steep descent back to sea level. 

I reached my day’s destination, Brunswick Heads, about 3:00. The Aussies use the word “Heads” in the names of their towns much like we use the word “Point.”  For example Cypress Point in California. It just means where the land along the coastline forms a point, or head, sticking out in the ocean.  So for the next three days I’m walking from one beach town to the next until I reach the southern suburbs of Brisbane on Wednesday. 

While sitting around the pool at my hotel tonight I met two more super nice people; Brad and Rose Hartshorn from the Gold Coast area. They’re in town for the weekend for a concert but it got cancelled so we had time to talk for a while. They were very nice and had a million questions about my walk. 

I think that’s about it for my awesome Aussie Saturday. I hope your weekend is a good one. JB

Meet my new friends; Tony and Maggie Buckley from Manchester, UK.

This is nice couple Brad and Rose Hartshorn.
It’s still hilly along the east coast.
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Donna Dunn
Donna Dunn
10 months ago

So happy you found a “real” motel and had a good rest but I don’t envy those up and down hills. Glad you are in such good shape. We will see you soon.