Start: Rosedale
Finish: Sale
Distance: 17
Total: 136
After a decent nights rest at the Coach Lamp Motel in Rosedale, I woke up about 6:00 and glanced at the weather forecast for today’s route. Unlike last night when it said no chance of rain, now it said a 90% chance of rain at my destination by 11:00 AM. There was no way I was going to walk 17 miles by 11:00. But I jumped up and got out the door pronto.
First stop; The Rosedale Bakery for some breakfast and a sandwich to go. I got out of there at 7:15 and headed down the four lane again. The traffic was light, I guess because it was 7:15 on a Sunday morning. However, that brings me to my next point. I can only remember seeing one church so far in eight days; a Catholic Church. Although I haven’t really been looking, let’s agree, you don’t have to look very hard to see churches where I come from.
By 11:00 it sure didn’t look very rainy. In fact, it didn’t look rainy at all. I stopped and took a rest and ate my sandwich on a guard rail about five miles from my destination and made it into Sale at 12:45. Still no rain. My first stop, across the street from my motel, was a cafe to buy an $8 milk shake. That sounds expensive but it’s only $5.40 U.S.. And it was well worth it.
I’m staying at The Matador Motel. When I was checking in I noticed the wifi password was the same as two nights ago in Traralgon at The Black Bull Motel. Then it hit me. The Matador and The Black Bull. Michael at the front desk confirmed that yes, they are sister motels. And The Matador is just as nice as The Black Bull. Awesome bed, great wifi, free breakfast, and because the guest laundry is inop, they’re doing my laundry in the motel washer. These Aussies are really nice, especially if you stagger around like you’re half crippled and about to collapse at any minute.
Tomorrow it really is suppose to rain. 100% chance all day and I only walk 11 miles up the road to the very small town of Stratford. I can do 11 miles in about 3.5 hours so I’ll either look for a break in the weather or get wet for 3.5 hours.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. JB