Start: Oberau
Finish: Penzberg
Distance: 19
Total: 1222
Another great day of walking in Bavaria, though the heat made it seem more like Texas. I knew it was going to be a hot one when there was no coolness in the air when I started walking this morning. And after last night’s challenges getting to sleep because it was hot in my room made for a pretty long day.
I got started a little later than I like on a reasonably long walking day because breakfast was not available until 8:00. I made sure I was ready to hit the trail immediately after eating and was out the door at 8:30 with 19 miles to cover. I wandered my way through the little town of Oberau and once I got to the edge of town I found myself walking on a very busy road; lots of trucks and cars and no shoulder. I kept looking for the bike trail along the road for the first 2-3 miles but didn’t see it. Finally in the distance on the other side of the railroad track I saw a bicycle go by. So I immediately began to look for a way to get across the highway and railroad track to get on that bike trail. After another mile I walked through a small town where I was able to transition to the trail. From that point on I followed the bike trail the rest of the day. Sometimes it was paved, sometimes gravel, but always better than walking on the highway.
By about 1:00 I was getting pretty hungry. Luckily I walked through a small town that had a grocery store. I don’t recall having eaten in a grocery store before on this walk, but my options were limited. In the back of the store I found a deli and even some tables to sit and eat. I got a sandwich and Fanta and after a 30 minute break, and the purchase of a Snickers bar, I was good to go.
The rest of the afternoon drug by. The terrain has flattened out quite a bit so I wasn’t doing very much climbing and descending, but by the time I got to my hotel in Penzberg it was 90 degrees. When I got here at 3:00 I was beat and glad to call it a day.
Tomorrow I get within one day of Munich. It’s suppose to be hotter but I only have 16 miles planned so one less hour of walking will be nice. That’s all for today. Time to do laundry, get some dinner, and sleep under a fantastic ceiling fan!! Thanks for reading.