Start: Penzberg
Finish: Ebenhausen
Distance: 18
Total: 1240
Today just goes to show; when you’re wingin’ it, you never know what will happen. You just have to use your best judgement and go with it. I’ll explain.
Last night was a good night of sleep, thanks mostly to a very efficient ceiling fan. Otherwise it would have been pretty hot. Even in the nicest hotels in Bavaria, they don’t have air conditioning. I’m sure the heat event going on right now is very unusual, but that doesn’t make it any cooler.
I got away from the hotel, the first time, at 8:00 after a nice breakfast. I say I got away the first time because there was a second time too. As I always do as I’m walking the first quarter mile every morning, I go over in my mind everything I was suppose to pack and make sure I remember to pack it. Clothes bag: check; toiletries: check; iPad: check; iPhone: check; rain gear: check; etc. I do this every morning, even though I check my room one last time before I walk out. So this morning as I’m walking along, I’m doing the check drill, and there just seemed like something was missing. Finally, I figured out it was my earbuds for my phone. They’re usually in my right front pants pocket, and they were missing. I turned around and walked a quarter mile back to the hotel, got my key back from the front desk, went in my room, and there they were, laying on the counter. This is the second time in two weeks I’ve misplaced my earbuds. The first time I was convinced the hotel maid in Innsbruck had taken them out of my room on my day off. Later I discovered them in my right front pants pocket of my shorts that had gone through the washer and dryer; my earbuds were nice and clean, and they still worked!
Today I was suppose to walk 16 miles to the town of Icking which is about 10-15 miles south of Munich. A couple of days ago, I thought I called a hotel in Icking where I planned to stay. But today when I stopped for lunch, I thought I’d better call one more time just to make sure I had a reservation because there’s only one hotel in Icking. So I stopped at a nice little cafe in the town of Wolfratshausen at about 12:30, had a sandwich, and gave the hotel a call. They had no idea what I was talking about. They had no record of me making a reservation and they were booked up for tonight. So I struck up a conversation with Angela, the owner of the cafe, who by the way spoke perfect English, and told her about my lodging dilemma. She recommended walking to a monastery called Klosterladen Schaftlarn near the town of Ebenhausen. She gave them a call for me and they had rooms available. She also told me there was a shortcut along a river that would cut some distance off my walk. I looked it up on Google Maps and it agreed. I took off following the route and quickly found it to be a very difficult, deep woods route. In addition, my phone signal started getting spotty. I was a little worried about following the right route as there were forks in the trail. I also came to a creek crossing that was underwater so I took the plunge and went knee deep in water with my shoes on. Suffice to say I was very glad to get to my destination in one piece.
The monastery is quite nice. There are about four buildings in the compound with a school with 850 students, lodging that looks like it was once a convent, the church, and a restaurant. The only drawback is there is no cellphone signal and guests are limited to three hours on the internet. I’m glad it was recommended by Angela and it got me a few miles closer to Munich where I walk tomorrow.
So that’s my adventure for today. Hopefully tomorrow’s walk into Munich will be a little less eventful. And I definitely have a hotel there with an email confirmation. Thanks for reading.