Start: Ingolstadt
Finish: Eichstatt
Distance: 17
Total: 1319
Today was a very good day for walking. Mild temperatures, low humidity, and a nice north breeze in my face. Most of the day I was on narrow, busy roads but I got to my destination in one piece so I’m not complaining.
The day got started back at my cool, clean hotel in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm. I had backtracked to that hotel by train after finishing my walk yesterday. It rained most of the night from a cool front that came through, thus the cooler temperatures today. After breakfast at the hotel, I walked a mile to the train station to catch the train to Ingolstadt where I stopped walking yesterday. The train was scheduled to depart at 9:00, but was a few minutes late. I got to Ingolstadt and started walking at 9:40.
I neglected to mention anything about Ingolstadt on yesterday’s post. With a population of 100,000+, it’s a very industrial city. The headquarters for both Audi, the auto company, and Airbus, the aircraft company, are in Ingolstadt. In addition, the Danube River runs through the middle of town. There were several nice parks throughout the city as I passed through.
Once I got out of Ingolstadt I was back into rolling hills and farmland. Unfortunately there was no bike trail for the next 10 miles so I was sharing the road with cars and trucks. I stopped about 1:00 in a little village for a 30 minute break and lunch, then back out into the traffic. When I was within about five miles of my destination, I picked up the bike trail and it lasted the rest of the way to town. Eichstatt, population 13,000, is a very traditional Bavarian town with a city square and many nice old buildings. The highlight of the town is Willibaldsburg castle; built around 1353. Unfortunately I was unable to see it on the hillside as I walked into town today because the trees were in the way. I hope to get a sighting as I leave tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I have a 1000’ climb right off the bat tomorrow morning. Luckily it’s only a 15 mile day so it won’t be too bad. So from deep in the heart of Bavaria, that’s all I’ve got for today. JB.