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Day 9

Posted by on January 15, 2019

From:  Missolonghi

To:  Katochi

Miles:  13

Total:  168

Today was a smooth day. Dave and I were raring to go because it was going to be a short one. 

The walking day started at 8:30 after a very meager breakfast at the hotel. As we have gotten farther from Athens, the towns have gotten smaller, and the accommodations more “basic.”  While there is usually only one hotel in these small towns, we are only paying around 30 euros ($35) per night, so we can hardly expect the Ritz.  

Our walking plan for today had us only walking seven miles to Altoliko, the next town with a hotel.  However, tomorrow was planned to be 23 miles, so we decided to walk another six miles to Katochi, the next town down the road which does not have a hotel, and get a ride back to our hotel in Altoliko. So we came walking into Altoliko about 11:30, checked into the little hotel, and went back out to finish off the last six miles. Then we caught a taxi ride and were back to Altoliko by 3:00, feeling good about knocking six miles off of tomorrow’s walk. 

The town we’re staying in tonight is really neat. It sits on an island in the middle of a bay. The town is about 1/2 mile across, and has one bridge going into one side of town, and one bridge going out the other side. After finding a nice little restaurant here in town for a late lunch, and a quick stop at the pastry shop for some desserts for later tonight, it’s time to put our feet up and get some rest. We still owe ourselves a day off which we missed two days ago, but we’re saving it for perhaps a day when it rains. 

I’ll close by saying Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter, Jessie. I hope she has a great and relaxing day!  

The bridge into Altoliko.
Main Street in Altoliko.
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