Start: Suhl
Finish: Suhl
Distance: 0
Total: 1471
Today was a great day to not walk. It has been raining on and off all day and the temperatures were very cool.
Last night after I posted my blog, I went down to the hotel restaurant and joined my new friends, the Prince family from Burleson (minus Conner who was eating with his shooting team). We had a good dinner and talked until 9:00. It felt good to sit down and converse with someone from home.
Today I slept in until 8:00 and hung out around the room until 10:00 when I went back to the restaurant and had an amazing breakfast. They had the best spread I’ve seen since I’ve been back in Europe. I gorged myself.
Around 1:00 I decided to get some warm clothes on, borrow an umbrella from the hotel, and venture out. I intended to walk a few blocks into the city center. Unfortunately, it was too rainy to get far. I made it just down the street to a grocery store, scoped it out, bought a Coke and Snickers bar, and walked back to the hotel. I decided this might just be a day for reading and resting instead of sightseeing.
I’ve spent part of today trying to get my walking shoes dry after yesterday’s drenching they took. Since they were already completely waterlogged, I decided to give them a bath in the bathroom sink last night. That’s when I discovered they weren’t nearly as waterlogged as I thought. After giving them a good soaking, they must have weighed 10 pounds. They dried all night but they were still drenched this morning. So I’ve applied several rounds of hot air from the hair dryer throughout the day and I think they’ll be good to go by tomorrow morning.
The only issue I have with this hotel, which is very nice, is their WiFi stinks. The signal seems to come through very strong, but you can’t connect to anything on the internet. I needed to make some accommodation arrangements for the next few nights down the road, but couldn’t get anything to connect from my room. I went down to the lobby to try the internet down there, but still no luck. I resorted to using my iPhone data to get the job done. I’ve got places to stay through this coming Thursday night. I’m confident in my route plan that far out because the weather is suppose to improve beginning tomorrow through the rest of the week.
Late this afternoon the rain slacked up a little and I walked into town for dinner. Surprisingly, there was hardly anyone out in the streets which is very unusual. I guess the weather kept them away. That’s all for today. It’s back on the road tomorrow for a 19 mile walk. I hope everyone’s Saturday was good. JB.