Here it is, the 1st of October, and we thought we’d better get something posted since it’s only three months until we fly to Athens, Greece to get this walk started. A lot has come together over the last few months so we’re confident that we’ll be ready to head overseas to start walking on 7 January.
First of all, we’ve dusted off the cobwebs from the old Walking Aggie website through which you are reading this update. Thanks to Jeremy Henderson, the re-activation of the blog has been very seamless. If you were familiar with the old website, basically nothing has changed. We’ve simply updated all the pages with relevant information about this walk. Very soon we will have the “Where’s John & Dave” tab working but it won’t start tracking our movements until the walking starts in January.
As far as the walking route, which can be view under “The Route” tab, we don’t foresee any changes to that between now and our 7 Jan start date. We plan to walk from Athens, Greece to Verona, Italy as part 1 of our trek between January and mid-March, leave Europe for 90 day’s to satisfy European Union Visa restrictions, then pick back up in Verona in June with part 2 and finish in Oslo, Norway in early September. That’s 2321 miles in 150 days, not including the 90 day Visa break. When it’s all finished, we will have walked across seven countries.
We’ve both about finished collecting all our supplies and equipment. No need for a tent this time as we have planned our route to not need to camp. However, just in case, we’re both taking a sleeping bag. The weather will be much cooler on this walk than John had across America in 2015. Therefore, we’ll be packing some extra layers of clothing, especially for Part 1 in January, February and March.
That’s all for this update. We’ll check in with more information in November and December as we lead up to our January start date.