Dave started his day by taking a hop on hop off tour of Athens. The highlights of the tour were the Acropolis/Parthenon and Temple of Zeus. John arrived around 3 pm and had no problems with his flights or connections. We made a quick trip back up to the Acropolis/Parthenon after John got settled in. We also both got Greek Vodaphone SIM cards for our phones, so please don’t try to use our stateside numbers to contact us. We plan to grab a light dinner and make it an early night so we can start walking bright and early before the bad weather rolls in around 3 pm. The forecast says snow is possible and according to our tour guide this morning it rarely happens and people don’t know how to drive in it. It sounds like the city shuts down just like when it happens in San Antonio and Tallahassee.
Dave’s shout out today is for the other charity we are supporting on our walk, the Red Cross. Hurricane Michael is old news to most of the country, but many of the citizens in the panhandle of Florida are still trying to get their lives back on track and homes rebuilt. I know the Red Cross of Northern Florida is still actively working with those in need. If you would like to make a donation, the link is on our home page.
Thanks and feel free to comment on any of our journal entries.
John and Dave at the Acropolis/Parthenon